Homer Community Foundation Grants Money To United Way

Albion-Homer United Way Emergency Relief Fund recently received a $2,500 grant from the Homer Area Community Foundation.

The HACF grant money will be added to the emergency fund which is used to help residents of Albion and Homer meet basic needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The foundation was established in 1994 as an affiliate of the Battle Creek Community Foundation and helps develop and administer resources to address the needs of the Homer area. The money from the Foundation’s Healthy Youth Healthy Senior Fund is to support basic needs for youth and seniors in the greater Homer area due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

“The Homer Area Community Foundation is pleased to partner with and support the Albion-Homer United Way to provide services and programming to positively enhance our communities,” according to Carol Petredean HACF executive director.

Earlier this spring the Albion-Homer United Way ERF more than met its goal.  Donors to this fund for the Albion and Homer communities gave over $12,500 to qualify for a matching grant initiative from the Albion Community Foundation. A total of $37,500 was raised for this emergency fund.

All contributions designed for the ERF will stay in the Albion-Homer communities with 100% of dollars raised granted to help meet local agency needs. There will be no administrative fees charged. The AHUW board and other volunteers will review immediate local needs so funds can quickly get to organizations in our communities. 

With monies from their traditional annual fund raising during COVID-19 AHUW has already helped with immediate needs in the communities it serves. Additional money raised for this special ERF helps other agencies provide services for immediate needs.

AHUW has been monitoring food and other essential needs in Homer and Albion and works with other local organizations to provide food assistance to residents, according to Executive Director  Marcia Starkey. 

Donations to the AHUW regular fund are also encouraged to allow the organization to continue making grants to community groups that continue to help the two towns. 

You can send a check to Albion-Homer United Way P.O. Box 55 Albion, MI 49224 or donate on-line at https://www.albionhomeruw.org.

A grant from the Homer Area Community Foundation was given to the Albion-Homer United Way to help support the AHUW Emergency Relief Fund. The fund is used to help provide basic needs to people in the two communities during the COVID pandemic.

A grant from the Homer Area Community Foundation was given to the Albion-Homer United Way to help support the AHUW Emergency Relief Fund. The fund is used to help provide basic needs to people in the two communities during the COVID pandemic.
