Homer Library Patrons Benefit from United Way Grant

Internet access continues to be accessible in Homer through a recent Albion-Homer United Way grant to maintain Hot Spots at the Homer Public Library.

The $1,500 AHUW grant makes it possible to offset monthly service fees for the current  Hot Spots at the Homer library. With this funding the library can continue to help provide internet service for those families without access or with limited access to the web. In 2021 the library received another Albion-Homer United Way grant to purchase six Hot Spots

According to Homer Public Library Director Trixie McMeeking the Hot Spots are used by a variety of patrons including young adults, families and senior citizens. The Hot Spot program has helped nearly 200 patrons with internet access for school, work and entertainment purposes.

Supporting this service to Homer residents aligns with the mission of the Albion-Homer United Way to provide “long-lasting changes that prevent problems from happening” to help community members “live more whole lives-a quality education that leads to a stable job, enough income to support a family through retirement, and good health,” stated Marcia Starkey, AHUW executive director.

Recently flyers were mailed to previous AHUW donors asking for help to fund grants to local organizations needing financial support.

To allow AHUW to continue to support community organizations there are several good reasons to donate to the local United Way, Starkey said. These reasons include that donations fund Albion and Homer specific programs and that funding decisions are made by a local board. Donor lists are never shared with other agencies and payroll deductions make donating easier.

 Donations can always be mailed to AHUW P.O. Box 55, Albion, MI 49224, made on-line at www.albionhomeruw.org or by contacting Starkey at 517-499-2563.

Board members are Virgie Ammerman, Carolyn Amos, Donisha Brewer, Chris Burdette, Robert Hawkins, Art Kale, Michael Leskowich, Isabell Nazar, Marc Newman, Eddie Williams and Shane Williamson.

Homer Public Library patron Madison Nelson checks out library Hots Spots to assist her with internet access. A recent grant from the Albion-Homer United Way will allow the library to maintain this much needed Hot Spot service.
